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In 1976, a group of people started a church on the outskirts of the city in a neighborhood called Southview.  The name chosen was Southview Church of God.  The city continued to grow and the church was no longer on the edge of town.  In 2021, the church recognized its need to refocus and pursue a new vision.  They chose to restart as a new church - Southview Community Church.

In this new chapter, we turn our focus specifically towards the neighborhood we are in.  We seek to be intentionally present to those that call the Southview neighborhood their home. 

Image by Zeyu Jiang


Image by Riccardo Annandale


We exist to make more and better followers of Jesus.  We believe everyone is on a journey and that journey is best lived out in a relationship with Jesus.  Wherever someone is at on their journey, we hope to point them closer to Jesus and His way of life.​


Honour & Respect

Everyone is created in the image of God therefore deserves to be  treated with respect and honour.


We become better followers of Jesus as we take time to gather around tables together.

everybody plays

Everyone has something to contribute.

targeted prayer

We pray intentionally for God's Kingdom to show up trusting God desires to move.

children matter

Kids help reveal the Kingdom of God.  They are not an afterthought or expected to be on the sidelines at the kids table. 


We are open to what God wants to do among us, being intentional to enter through doors of opportunities that He opens before us.

people of the story

The Bible speaks into our every day and reveals God to us. As we learn and follow the truth found in Scripture, we find restoration in our areas of brokenness.


Meet the team

Striefler family
Phone: 403-527-3483

Andreas Striefler


Andreas was born in Germany and moved to the Hat at age 4 where he grew up. After high school he moved to Calgary to to attend Rocky Mountain College where he got his Bachelors in Religious Studies Majoring in Youth Ministry. He made a deal with God to pastor anywhere south of Red Deer...well God laughed and off went Andreas to Edmonton for the next 10 years. During his time in Edmonton he was the Youth Pastor for 8 years at Northgate Baptist Church. In 2013 he moved back to Calgary to attend Seminary at Ambrose University where he got his Masters in Leadership and Ministry.


Venturing into the online dating world in September of 2017 introduced Andreas to Kim (who lived 2.5 hours away in Lethbridge). Their connection was quick and they were married in August of 2018. Lucy Joy joined their family on March 11, 2020, two days before the world shut down due to Covid. Their family has once again grown as they welcomed their second child Judah Nathaniel to the world on March 22, 2022.


The family moved to Medicine Hat in August of 2021 when Andreas become the pastor of Southview Community Church.


Andreas enjoys snorkeling, board games, ultimate frisbee and zoos (he is currently sitting at 29 zoos visited...hoping to check off a few more someday soon)​

Falk Family
Phone: 403-527-3483

SPENCer Falk


A Calgary native, Spencer grew up in the church there with his family, even attending local Ambrose University for his Bachelor's of Theology in Intercultural Ministry from 2018 - 2023. After first experiencing the call to ministry as a teenager on a missions trip to Tijuana, Mexico, Spencer decided to pursue this by going to Ambrose. With a heart for serving the church interculturally he also found himself volunteering at a small parish on the Tsuut'ina First Nation just southwest of Calgary. Spencer spent three and a half years on the Nation serving in multiple capacities and growing closer to our Indigenous neighbours. 

Spencer and his wife Reanne first met at a summer camp in 2018 where they became friends. However it wasn't until 2020 when Reanne was releasing a new music project and saw the opportunity of free photos from Spencer that their relationship started to really grow. Spencer and Reanne got married in the summer of 2022 and lived in Cochrane for a year before following the call to Medicine Hat and Southview Community Church.

Spencer also runs his own photography business as of 2019 and does a variety of work for weddings, corporate events, and brands. Some of his favourite hobbies include reading, watching movies, playing board games, mountain biking and playing golf.

Meet the Team
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